Wednesday, June 22, 2016


So today all the Americans and counterparts went to the zoo! Prague zoo is humongous and there is an unbelievable number of baby animals everywhere. Baby ducks, baby gorillas, baby buffalos, baby elephants, baby gazelle, baby penguins, baby monkeys, and so many baby humans (but they weren't in cages).

 After the zoo we went to the escape game called "lostin." It's where you have 75 minutes to "rescue" some guy who was kidnapped using clues found in a series of rooms. It was incredibly difficult. The first room had clues in books and on clocks and we ended up having to call the front desk for extra help. We unlocked the door and got into the next room. We were having so much trouble figuring out what to do next. There was a suitcase with a lock, drawers with locks and we needed the codes for all of these. Jarda ended up fiddling with the latch on the door to the next room and it came open without the code so technically we cheated. Then we needed another password and we figured it out in minutes but we put it in the lock wrong so again we had to call. So I guess we won but in a very round-about way. Good job us.

Wendy and I also spent some time in Old Town Prague and painted this brick at a touristy stand.

And tonight I went with Wendy and her mom down to the river nearby where there is a restaurant and had a "Czech fast food" called Langoše (fried bread with ketchup, cheese, and garlic) which was not so different from American fast food.

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